St. Croix Island Life Real Estate

A day in the life of a Realtor on St Croix… post Maria

Get up as sun rises.

Bathe with “non rinse wipes” or take a dip in the pool. Wash hair with half gallon of pool water.

Get dressed – but skip make up and do the best I can with hair (no hair dryer)

Eat some type of dry snacks – crackers, granola bar, etc.

Wait for curfew to lift.

Go in search of wifi. Find it at a restaurant, order breakfast, crank up computer. Wifi goes out. Eat and pay for breakfast with cash (running low but only way to pay).

Go in search of wifi. Find it at an outdoor cafe. Crank up computer, start responding to emails, following up with people who have closings and don’t know what’s happening, and sweat. Order food out of guilt for taking up space for WIFI. Computer runs out of juice. Pay (now even less cash) and go in search of elecricity AND WIFI. Find it at another outdoor cafe. Power up, turn on, resume work, order more food/drinks. Sweat.

Am so hot I’m about to explode. Pay (almost outta cash), pack up, head to bank. Wait in long line to get cash out of ATM. Limit $200. I spent $80 today on who knows what at the WIFI cafes. Money goes quickly here.

Stop at a market on way home to pick up something for dinner. They are not letting people in the market, I learn after I wait in line for 20 min. Just “taking orders” for ice and a few other things.

Leave and go to another grocery store. Wait in line. Finally get in and they have very limited stock. Get a few things and head home.

Stop for gas. Wait in line. Fill up and head home. Ice now mostly melted. Put food in cooler and get in pool to cool off.

Fix something pretty disgusting for dinner. Drink lots of wine. Go to bed around 8:00. No music, no TV, no lights, just the sound of other people’s generators humming. Wishing mine would hum again.

Sleep soundly for a few hours. Wake up in a pool of sweat. Go sit on porch and cool off, and get eaten by mosquitos.

Back to bed and sleep fitfully for a few more hours.

Wake up, repeat.