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What is Island Life? The term Island Life conjures up many images, doesn’t it? Relaxing, enjoying the sunshine, being on and in the water, drinking rum! We chose the name Island Life for our business because we want to share with those who do NOT live on the island, what Island Life is really about… or what it CAN BE about… so we are defining it as:
ENJOYING your life
Being comfortable
Having a good time
Saying YES to what you want to do and
Saying NO to working all the time and being a slave to your job.
We created our company so that WE could enjoy Island Life. We want to show OTHERS what Island Life is about, and help them see if St Croix is the right spot for them. Island life HERE is different from Island Life on any other island. And WE are the experts on St Croix Island Life!Whether you are a seasoned visitor to our island or have never been here before, we hope you’ll find something on this site that will help you decide if St Croix is the place for you. Knowledge is power; we have tried to include on this site everything that we wanted to know when we were contemplating making our move here!
Thanks for 8 great years!! St Croix Island Life Real Estate recently celebrated our 8th anniversary. I have thoroughly enjoyed building this company and creating an amazing team to serve the people of St Croix’s...
Chamber Board Weighs in on Territory-Wide Plan for Abandoned Properties
Governor Albert Bryan recently unveiled a conservator plan to deal with abandoned and derelict properties in the territory. This is part of a wider anti-crime initiative, said Governor Bryan, which also includes “work[ing] with the...