St. Croix Island Life Real Estate

St Patty’s Day Celebration in St Croix

For the past 9 years, I have not ceased to be amazed at what happens on this island the weekend nearest St Patrick’s day.  You’d think this was an Irish Island.  EVERYONE puts on their greens and heads to town for the annual St Patrick’s Day Parade.  This year, I had to miss it, but I did make it down around 7:00 P.M.  (The parade is at 11:00 A.M.). The festivities are still going on and music is everywhere.  It’s like we all decide that THIS WEEKEND is THE weekend to party like rock stars!  And believe me, Crucians ARE rock stars when it comes to partying.

And the fun doesn’t end on Saturday.  Yesterday, there was an “after party” at Chenay Bay Beach resort, and from all indications, many folks were still in major party mode.  I would just LOVE to know the quantity of alcohol consumed on this weekend!  My first year, being a novice at this sort of thing, I was pretty much hammered by noon.  That didn’t bode well for enjoying the festivities – I was in bed early in the afternoon sleeping it off.  (I’m NOT a big drinker….very amateur by Crucian standards).  The next few years, I paced myself, and was able to hang till 5:00 or so.  This year, since I missed out on the daytime activities, I did get to see the evening shows and the crowd was manageable, and a lot of fun.  And Sunday, Kurt Schindler and Banooba continued to deliver some mighty fine music from the Heineken Party Barge.  The St Patty’s day weekend in St Croix is really an Island treat and such an ingrained part of the culture here.  Come, see for yourself sometime!